Digital Editions The Prospector

Spring Issue

Digital Edition

The Prospector

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Book Buzz With Amanda Book Reviews Opinion


Flapper by Joshua Zeitz is based on the revolutionary times of the 1920s and the explosion of defying the eras before it — the era of ultimate defiance. 

The era before the Roaring 20s was the Victorian Era. Where rules were strict in every which way. The time of poise and class, the era of limiting women from just about anything. 

This story goes into deep detail about the women of this era and how much they shaped this decade. Zeitz’s main topic was flapper girls and how they fought for their freedom in a controversial time. 

It’s widely known that the 1920s extravaganza started right after ‘The War to End All Wars.’ After one of the most brutal wars in history was over, society wanted to celebrate their lives and make the most of it. The things that made celebration easy were banned by law. The alcohol ban made people fall into a frenzy. 

The youth went ballistic trying to live freely and accordingly on their own terms. Especially young women who were bound to a life of nothing but marriage and children. The young women of the 20s had to rebel in explosive and explicit ways to grasp the attention of the close-minded. 

They started to cut their hair short, wore exposing dresses, drank without a chaperone, and could be found alone with the opposite sex without a chaperone. These girls were called ‘Flapper Girls.’ They shaped the way women were allowed to live for the next generations to come. 

Most adults of that time could not even apprehend that the women were so out of hand and wild. The youth would dance every worry stapled in their mind away. They would show their love for music, love, lust, and rebellion out in the open. It gave the children in the Victorian era heart attacks. 

The 20s were nothing but a blissful rebellion that was full of hardship and force for women to be let free which is explored and covered well through Zeitz’s writing in Flapper. 


AP Tests in Retrospect

Dear poor AP test takers, I want to tell you all a secret, I’ve never passed an AP test… and I’ll tell you something else, I don’t care! AP tests don’t matter, and that’s why I always take them, and I hope you do too! They’re free, a great way to get excused from class for a few hours, and at the end of the day, they mean nothing, unless you pass them; Plus, if you do, you get a general education class out of the way for college! 

I’ve taken three AP tests in the past, none of which I feel I had any business taking, but I did it anyway. I got a 1 on AP Chemistry my sophomore year, which was a disaster for all parties involved and the catalyst in preventing sophomores from taking the class going forward. Junior year I took AP Calculus AB, in which I failed both the class and the AP test, with a 2 though, the highest score I’ve ever received on an AP exam! Lastly, I took AP Physics, another class I didn’t really understand my placement in, and one I only passed because Mr. Ahn was kind enough to offer many extra credit opportunities. Of course, I got a 1 on the exam, but I don’t regret this test or any of the others. 

In my opinion, the AP system has many flaws, and I don’t just believe that because I can’t seem to pass the exams… or maybe I do… but hear me out anyway! AP exams often have low passing rates, with less than half of students taking them able to pass tests like AP Physics, United States History, and United States Government & Politics. This is most likely because a test that comprises cumulative information is often unrealistic for classes that rely on the memory of specific events or equations. So, it’s clear I’m not the only student struggling with the hurdle of studying an entire year’s worth of information for one test. 

However, some exams have been historically much easier on its students, specifically foreign languages, which many students who speak the language will take, even if they didn’t enroll in the class itself. More advanced classes like AP Physics C and Calculus BC are also, usually, easier to pass, as students tend to be more qualified for the class when they take it, providing a selective sample of the students most equipped to succeed. If you fit any of the previous criteria, you are almost guaranteed to get a 3 or better on the exam. 

Yet, even though there are still only a few cases in which the AP curriculum succeeds in providing many of its students with college credit, I always try to take the exams, just in case I meet the mark. So far, I have yet to find success, but I feel that even if I don’t pass, at least it’s free, so there’s literally no harm either way. 

I understand that many of my peers, like me, give up on their exams before they even happen. However, I encourage you to persevere and at the very least show up to them. When you aren’t sure what to write, just paraphrase the prompt, and when you don’t know which answer to bubble, just choose C. It’s truly worth a shot, for you may succeed; And if not, who cares?

The Prospector

Follow Up to “What Did You Say?”

We at The Prospector have heard and discussed all of your feedback about our column, “What Did You Say?” 

We intended to expose things that are said on campus that are inappropriate at different levels, some that have no rightful place here, but we understand that the framework for this column and some of our word choices could have made this intent clearer. In this follow-up, we would like to provide more context, an explanation as to why we believe the printing of this section is important, and to turn this section of our newspaper into a sounding board where our peers can describe not only what they have heard, but how it has impacted them and why it is necessary to discuss being civil, respectful, and inclusive. 

While some quotations may be innocuous or even funny, none of them were meant to be seen as light-hearted, celebrated, or condoned. Instead, we hope to hold up a mirror to our richly diverse community and expose the things we and others on campus overhear daily. 

We want to create a space where everyone feels represented. By sharing this column, we hope people can think before they speak and take accountability/responsibility for their words. 

We do believe that addressing the quotes has sparked a much-needed conversation, but the situation has escalated into something we did not intend.

We wanted to acknowledge and raise the question: Why are kids on campus saying things like this? It’s deeply concerning that these remarks are being said on campus without proper action from staff. These quotes have harmed many and have created a very hostile environment where people do not feel safe on campus. It’s important for staff to address these issues to keep this school the safe place they claim it to be. We want to see immediate action to make sure all students feel welcome at McClatchy.

What the Prospector does know is the comment was said by a student whom the Prospector staff has heard egregious things from in the past. The comment was said amongst a group of friends to bring a reaction. It was not in response to a class discussion, it was off-topic. 

Upon further investigation, many students are uncomfortable speaking about it now. When asked about context, most students are hesitant or refuse to answer because of the outrage of the community already. 

We acknowledge that our use of the word “favorite” in the column was not the best. We understand that language can be misinterpreted as support for the quotes featured in the column. We recognize the impact of our words do not match the intent, and this has impacted a lot of individuals, especially when addressing the sensitive issue of anti-semitism. Moving forward, we are going to be more mindful of our words and rethink how this can affect someone that the quotes are being discriminatory towards. 

Your feedback has been very important and helps us to improve our future editions of the paper. In the future, we plan to continue this section and allow students to submit what they’ve seen and heard around campus and how it affected them. We want The Prospector to be as inclusive as possible. 

That being said, if you would like to express your feelings or thoughts, please fill out the Q&A Form that will be linked on our Instagram soon. We appreciate all your messages.

Short Stories Sins In The Dark

Chapter Ten

The wedding is in two days, and I’m nervous. After weeks of preparation and all the other things, I’m scared it won’t look how I want. The part I’m most scared of is my parents coming into town. Alejandro and I are currently on our way to pick up my parents who are staying at my house.

Unfortunately, we have to make this look real for them so they can get off our backs. I got out of the car to wave them over to the car, and they rushed over excitedly.

“My baby girl is getting married, how exciting!” I could tell by her tone of voice she didn’t want to be here.

“I know,” I joined, I actually was excited to get married though.

Alejandro came from behind me and wrapped his arm around me as he shook my parents’ hands.  He just watched, his energy now protective and observant.

“It’s so lovely to meet such an independent young man, I never caught your name,” my mother says, still holding his hand.

“Alejandro,” he states, a wide smile on his face.

“Your last name, son?” my father tries to coddle.

I knew what they were doing. It isn’t something I can stop.

“Phantom, sir,” he states, his smile fading.

My parents’ eyes looked at me as if they wanted to kill me. He’s forcing me to be here, I’m just happily obliging.

“That’s great,” they both say in union. 

Inwardly laughing at their reaction, I turned to get back in the car. Alejandro opens the door for me and my parents at the same time. He closes the doors and puts their suitcases in the back, getting in the driver’s seat. The drive was thankfully quiet. Alex and I held hands and were talking the entire time. We helped them settle into their room, and then we went into ours, locking the door.

“Alright, what’s the deal with them?” He asked me as soon as he locked the door.

“What? What are you talking about?” I asked

“Their whole mood doesn’t match the vibe they’re trying to give off. It’s annoying,” he complained, making me chuckle.

“They’re just weirdos love, it’s okay,” I lied, to the one man I know would go to all ends of the earth to protect me.

“If you say so, please call me if anything happens, okay?” He held his pinky out 

I locked our pinkies as he made me look up at him,

“Okay?” he asked and I chuckled.

“Okay,” I finally said.

“I’ll be home around six, I love you,” He said as he walked out.

“I love you more!” I yelled, as he walked away, my face sad and angry,

Nia walked in soon after, face looking disgusted and uncomfortable

“Why are you guys doing that, ew,” She was truly disgusted.

“We have to. My parents are here,” I said and they soon entered.

“What about us?” my mother asked, taking a good look around the room as my father entered in behind her.

“I was telling my friend that you guys were finally in town,” I smiled and stood.

“It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Nia,” She said, extending her hand.

My mom pulled her in for a hug. “You can call me mom sweetheart”

Mother pulling the mom card is so funny. My friend knows what you evil bastards have done. 

“I have to go get dressed. It was so nice to meet you guys,” She said as she exited.

“Did you guys wanna go out for dinner or something?” I questioned as I stood, walking over to my closet

“Jadyn sit,” My mother demands

“What’s wrong ma?” I ask as I sit down on my bed once more.

“Why in the hell would you ever get involved with the Phantom family?” My father yelled.

“What?” I was confused.

“You know they’re the most feared. They’ve been trying to buy out our businesses for years!” My mother joins

“Do you know what it means if you marry him?” My father questions.

“Duh,” I said, a huge smile spread across my face.

“So you want to go broke?” My mom tried to guilt trip me.

“I’m not broke. You don’t see my house?” I question and stand, laughing loudly.

“So you want your parents to no longer have a place to live?” They continued to try to push.

“Trust me. You’d be dead if I wanted you to be,” I say, a menacing look appearing on my face.

Shocked at my response, they stood there quietly.

“What did we ever do to you?” My mother asked.

“What did you ever do to me? Do you really not remember?” I yelled, now full of anger.

“Don’t be dumb. We never did anything to you,” My father chimed in, and I laughed like a maniac.

“Did nothing to me, are you kidding me? I honestly don’t even want to argue with you. Please leave my home” I progressively got louder, my eyes filled of tears 

“We won’t be doing that” my father amusingly asked

“Please leave so I don’t hurt you” I begin to walk over, and the door bursts open, and Mateo stops me from reaching my parents.

“Like he said we aren’t doing that” My mother added as she walked over sitting on my bed

“Mother, father. I was affiliated with the mafia at 10 years old, and it wasn’t because I wanted to. You set a list in front of me that had all the heirs to the mafia and told me to pick one, and when I didn’t, you disciplined me. Now that I coincidently chose someone on your list you’re upset?” I spoke calmly questioning

“Wait- What do you mean affiliated?” He whispered the question in my ear still holding me back

“Not right now, Mateo!” I told him as my father began to speak

“That was before he tried to sell us out. I won’t let you marry him,” My father shouts.

“What’s wrong with that anyway?” my mom butts in.

“Mom, most kids at ten years old are in third grade and have a whole bunch of friends. I wasn’t even in school. How can you two not comprehend the trauma you put me through?” I say, and they go quiet.

“Please get out,” I simply say.

“You’re kicking out your own parents?” my mom asked me.

“Yes, get out,” I say calmly once more.

“Disgraceful,” My father spat at me.

“Says the disgraceful one,” Mateo says, guiding them out.

I sit on my bed, head in my hands. My sobs uncontrollably escaping me. Nia comes in and hugs me. I got in bed and continued crying. Nia let me be, and soon Alejandro came home.

“Hi sweetheart,” He said as I entered our bedroom.

“Hi,” I said in a monotone.

“How are you feeling love?” He asked, taking his shirt and shoes off.

“I’ve been better,” I said, turning over as he got in bed.

“It’s okay, I’m here to make all your problems disappear, my love,” He said as he pulled me into his chest and coddled me.

His warmth was something that was definitely needed. I fell asleep almost instantly. When my eyes opened once more, Alex wasn’t in bed anymore. I put on my house slippers and tied up my robe and went on a search for him.

“Despicable, they make me sick,” Alejandro said, and I stopped to listen.

“And they found nothing wrong with their actions,” Mateo added to whatever he had previously said before.

“What awful people. Jadyn deserves so much better,” he said.

“I just wonder why she kept it hidden,” Mateo added and pondered upon as he found me eavesdropping.

“She had lots of reason, I don’t blame her at all,” Alejandro stood up for me causing me to smile.

I quietly tiptoed past the study and take a step out onto the patio. The breeze blowing my satin nightgown side to side with my hair ever so slightly in my face. I watched as the trees flowed with the wind dimming the light of the moon as it tried to shine through the trees. I inhale deeply wiping the quiet tears that streamed down my face. The ambush of emotion and trauma from my parents being made me feel so helpless. I’ve never been one for emotions but these people they just know how to push buttons I didn’t know existed.

“Jade what are you doing, it’s freezing out here,” Mateo asked, a blanket wrapped around his shirtless body.

“I couldn’t really tell,” I shrug, and he chuckles at my joke.

“That’s not funny,” as he still laughs at my joke.

“Says the one laughing,” I say, pushing him away from me.

He sat silently shivering next to me as I looked upon the pond and trees.

“The sounds are so peaceful,” I inhale deeply before turning toward Mateo.

He hums in agreement as I turn my gaze to look upon the stars.

“Can I have a second with her, please?” Alejandro asked Mateo.

Mateo just simply walked away, and I turned to look at Alejandro and smiled.

“How are you doing?” He questioned as I turned back toward the pond.

“Fine, nervous to marry you,” I say, and he smiles.

“So you like me?” He asked.

“I dunno man, you aren’t all that cute,” I tease, and he laughs.

“Don’t lie now,” He wraps his arms around me, forcing me into a hug, and we laugh.

“If I had to marry someone I’m not mad it was you, you’re not that bad,” I continued teasing, and he released me from the hug cupping my face.

“You know you like me, love, it’s okay,” His smug smirk appeared on his stupid cute face.

“Maybe a little,” I smile, and he chuckles before slowly but surely placing his lips on mine.

I thought our first kiss would be on our wedding day but here we are. As we deepened the kiss, he gripped my waist pulling me closer to him. Giving in to whatever he was doing to me I smiled as we separated.

“Finally, I thought you’d never kiss her,” Nia says as she walks outside.

“What?” Alejandro asks as she sits on the lawn chair.

“It took you like three months to simply kiss her, get your game up,” Nia teases, and I laugh.

“Hey, I’m getting married to her tomorrow so leave me alone,” He says, flipping her off and taking me inside.

Digital Editions

Response to 2024 Spring Edition Controversy

Good afternoon CKM students and staff,

The recent release of the spring edition of The Prospector has sparked controversy, and we would like to speak on the matter that involves a column found on page 15 titled “What Did You Say” which includes anonymous quotes from students here at McClatchy. The quote in question is “Hitler’s got some good ideas.” 

We would first like to express that this quote does NOT reflect our ideals or beliefs; it was included to spark a conversation on how students here choose to use their words. The quote was included along with others deemed inappropriate for school, such as, “I miss my ex. I’m probably gonna stalk him.” 

The topic of Hitler is, of course, a very sensitive one, especially considering the current political climate. We understand many were hurt and are concerned about the publishing of this quote. We, as a news outlet, believe it is important to bring awareness to the fact that a student on campus felt it was ok to say that in a classroom setting. 

We would like this to become an opportunity for staff and students to reevaluate what is and is not ok to say at school and discuss the normalization of apathetic language. We believe that topics like this should not be swept under the rug and instead be openly addressed.

If you would like to express your opinion openly on the matter, please contact us through our website or message us on Instagram, we want to hear your voices.

The Prospector staff

Book Buzz With Amanda

A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer

*This book contains themes of child abuse and violence, read with caution*

A Child Called “It” is a true story written by Dave Pelzer, who is himself a victim of extreme child abuse. 

This book is an educational and inspirational story that talks about the constant abuse Dave had to face growing up. I won’t go into detail about the story since it’s extremely graphic. But this is just a review. 

I read this book in about a couple of hours. Most of the time I felt uncomfortable reading it because of how descriptive and detailed it was, I felt obligated to put it down every once in a while just to give myself a break. This is definitely a book to pace yourself with. 

Dave’s family life started out calm and peaceful before it took a drastic turn. His father was a firefighter and his mother stayed at home to take care of him and his two older brothers. Since his father was away on shifts the majority of the time, Dave was often left alone with his mother. There’s only one calm and understanding chapter in this book. After the first chapter, it immediately dives into the reason for the mother’s abuse. And as Dave grew older, the more intense the abuse grew. 

From being starved nearly to death to being stabbed by his own mother, Dave overcame nearly everything his mother threw at him. Not only was he ridiculed by his own family of bystanders, but by his school as well. They understood and knew what he was enduring in his own home and refused to report. This book concludes with Dave’s ending resilience and acceptance of his past. 

I do not encourage this book to just be read but to be understood. His story deserves to be heard.

Entertainment Opinion

After Review

After is such a great movie especially when we get to see the beginning of a strong and somewhat toxic relationship between two lovers. I recommended watching this movie first as this article contains spoilers.

I rate this movie a 10 out of 10 because this is most likely one of my top movies so far this year. It has drama, romance, and suspense. 

I will be reviewing the two main characters in the film. Tessa Young (Josephine Langford) and Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin). The After film was created in 2019 and it is a Romance/Drama film based on the book series by Anna Todd with the same name. 

After is the first of the After series and it is about a young woman named Tessa who just started college and is one of those girls who has never done anything wrong and always does what her mom wants and not what she wants.  

In the beginning, Tessa gets settled into her dorm room and meets her roommate. Tessa goes to college thinking that she knows what she wants or knows what’s best for her until she meets Hardin Scott. Both Hardin and Tessa are somewhat similar or have similar things in common. The main thing would be that they both know so much about books and quotes from famous authors.

Hardin is a person who has been through many things and is someone who doesn’t have relationships due to things that happen in his life and himself. However, when he meets Tessa, he writes about his feelings for her and the things that happen between him and Tessa. 

Tessa has a boyfriend but is more of a best friend and they eventually break up due to her partying and also her kissing Hardin and hanging out with him. Hardin and Tessa in the film begin to bond and also begin to build up a relationship that will forever be strong even after everything that they’ve been through they always seem to find their way back to each other. 

The movie is mostly just about the beginning of something strong between the two lovers and how it all started with the two and how both began to love each other and fall for each other. 

Every After movie ends with a cliffhanger, something that leaves the audience wondering what just happened and what might happen in the next movie. I don’t believe this movie in particular has a cliffhanger but it leaves off with both Tessa and Hardin at Hardin’s favorite place to go when wanting to think about something or deal with something peacefully. 

I thought this movie was absolutely incredible. I love romance movies and this is one of my top 5s favorite movies 

So in my opinion, After is a truly amazing movie and I highly recommend that the people who read this article watch it for themselves so they can experience it for themselves.

Book Reviews Entertainment Opinion

Road House

Directed by Doug Liman, the movie “Road House” was released earlier last month. This movie is watchable on Amazon Prime. 

This movie is about an ex-UFC fighter named Elwood Dalton most known as Dalton takes on a new job as a bouncer in the Glass Keys.  Dalton has past trauma from an accident that happened while being in a UFC fight. This movie is based on “Road House” released in 1989.

Dalton is shown as a hidden guy who doesn’t want to be seen in public. However, he meets a woman named Frankie who offers him a job as a bouncer at her bar called “Road House”. Dalton had a lot of second thoughts about the job and then he decided to take the job. 

He will eventually arrive at Glass Keys and encounter the owners of a bookstore. A girl named Charlie and her dad Stephen. Dalton will become friends with this family because of the kindness they showed him. 

The first night Dalton was working at his new job he got to work on trying to stop a group of men from trashing the bar. However, this group of guys will cause a lot of trouble for Dalton. The boss of the group of guys is sending men to destroy the roadhouse to be able to build his new resort for rich people to come and admire the amazing view that Glass Keys offers.

They will try everything in their power to try to scare Dalton from staying in Glass Keys and stop him from ruining their plan. Throughout the movie, they will try any possible way to get him scared and run away. 

“RoadHouse” is worth giving a watch. This movie has a lot of action and humor. Dalton changes a lot from the beginning and at the end of the story. He seems nice and a cool person who is very quiet. However, towards the end of the movie, they show his angry side and it seems he is completely different. 

One thing I liked was the villain character of Knox. He was a helper in trying to get Dalton to leave town. Knox’s character was to act like a crazy and buff fighter who wasn’t scared of anything. It’s funny because the actor is Conor McGregor. He is a UFC fighter in real life and he acts similarly when it comes to his fights. 

I would rate this movie a 4.5 out of 5. I would recommend this movie to anyone interested in action movies and who likes fighting scenes.

Short Stories Sins In The Dark

Chapter Nine

It’s been about three weeks since the last time I’d talked to or heard from Nia or Alejandro. I had been enjoying my time away, but I knew I had to face my fear at some point. I began to pack the few things my aunt’s bodyguards managed to grab when I first came over here, when she entered my room.

“I had my bodyguards get your car, I know you like driving that thing and I honestly don’t know why,” she said to me, and I chuckled.

“Don’t call Betsy a thing, Aunt Tori! She’s beautiful.” I walked over, and she placed a kiss on my forehead.

She smiled at me, wiping my tears and said, “You are so strong, you got this.”

“I love you,” we say in union, and she takes that as her chance to leave the room.

I got everything in my car and drove off, the sun went under the horizon. It was gonna be a long drive.

About halfway through, I got hungry, finding a little diner. I pulled in and entered quickly, excited to eat. The lady sat me in the corner and gave me a menu as the door opened like 3 minutes after me. Not paying attention to anything but the menu, I didn’t realize the man sat in my booth.

“Hi, Jade,” the voice sends shivers down my spine. I haven’t heard it in so long.

“Hi, Mr. Phantom,” I smile, a bit nervous about what he has to say to me.

“I understand you needed space, and I gave it to you, but you need to do this. Not only for me but for the safety of your parents,” he threatens, and I chuckle at his failed attempt.

“Trust me, I’d want to watch as you torture them. Trying to threaten the livelihood of my parents won’t get you anywhere, but I’ll do it on one condition,” I bargain with a smirk on my face.

“Anything,” he states with his eyebrow raised.

“My aunt, she gets everything, and anything she wants, and you have to pay her medical bills,” I say sincerely.

“What medical bills?” he questions.

“She has cancer,” I sigh and say, looking away from him, trying not to cry.

“Oh, okay,” he said, not wanting to push the subject.

“I also get to be an authorized user of your credit cards,” I smile, changing the subject, and he chuckles.

“Deal,” his smile wide as we shake hands.

We ate in comfortable silence. This isn’t so bad. Maybe he won’t be awful to deal with as a husband.

“Wait, do we have to make this look plausible?” I question, and he shakes his head yes, chewing on his food.

“So then we’re either getting a house that Nia will move into, or you’re going to pay half of her rent,” I say. It isn’t a question. He either does it, or we don’t get married.

“I already have the house, love, don’t worry,” he smiles at me, and I chuckle.

We didn’t speak for the entire time we stuffed our faces. After we finished, the waitress walked over with the check. He quickly pulls out his card and hands her that with the tab.

“I didn’t even get to attempt to pay, Alejandro,” I say and sigh.

“You shouldn’t even want to try,” he smiled.

“You two are too cute,” the waitress said as she came back over with the receipt.

“Thank you!” Alejandro said as she smiled.

“You guys have a nice night now!” she says walking to the people who just walked in.

We walked out, and he walked me over to my car.

“I’ll see you at the office tomorrow then?” he asked, smirking at me.

“Do I have to?” I whine as he opens the door for me.

“Please, we miss you at the office,” he begs of me.

“Fine,” I drag out the sound of the word as I get in.

All he does is smile as he closes my door and walks toward his car, blowing me a kiss. Acting like I didn’t see it, I turn my car on and turn on some music before continuing my drive home. It was like 2 in the morning when I got there. In the living room with slow music playing sat Nia as she drank a cup of wine.

“Hi, roomie,” I smiled at her as I entered.

“I thought you wouldn’t be back for a while,” she stood, helping me with my things.

“I missed you too much,” I smiled at her, and she hugged me after setting my things down on the couch.

“I heard you’re engaged!” she says excitedly.

“Something like that,” I shrug unknowingly.

“So are you two together already?” she asked with her eyebrow raised.

“No, just happen to be getting married,” I say, and she sighs, putting her hands to her head.

“Why are you doing that?” she asked.

“He needs it so he can take over the business or whatever,” I shrug.

“Has he made a contract?” she said as I walked into the kitchen looking for something to drink.

“No, he may have it ready for me tomorrow,” I chug the water down and shrug.

“Most likely,” she says, shrugging along with me.

He, in fact, did have a contract waiting for me in his office. Walking in, both of his parents smiled and stood, walking over.

“I didn’t think I’d see you again so soon, darling,” his mother said with a chuckle.

“Always lovely to see you, Ms. Phantom,” I give her a hug, and we sit on the couch.

“Your husband said he’ll be here shortly,” his father inserted himself in the conversation.

I nodded my head and smiled, and she began to tell me about how her son called her crying over me.

“Me?” I question.

“Oh yes, darling, he was weeping like he’d never have before,” she mocked her son, laughing hysterically.

I didn’t find that very funny. I was upset he didn’t tell me, but it wasn’t anything to hold against him. I was gonna marry this man, starting off on the wrong foot wasn’t going to do us any good.

“My lord, finally, hello, beautiful,” the annoyance in his tone went away as soon as he saw me.

“Hello, Mr. Phantom,” I smiled as I stood.

“You still call him by his last name?” his father questioned.

“No worries, father, it’s okay,” he defends me as we sit, and he sets the contract before me.

“Don’t worry about having to sign it today, look it over and let me know in the next few days,” he says, and I smile.

“I trust you, sir, just one question,” I ask and look up at him.

“What, Ms. Spades?” he rebuttals.

“Do we have to be married forever?” I question and can hear his mother scoff.

“Yeah, as long as we don’t officiate the wedding you can be romantically involved with anyone else,” he says. “It’s in the contract,” he smiles.

So basically, don’t have an intimate relationship with him, and I should be fine. Is he insane? Who wouldn’t want to have that with him? He can obviously find someone to handle his needs, but I don’t think I want him to. 

“Okay, can I have a pen?” I ask, and his mother quickly shuffles over to grab it. She practically runs toward me, with a wicked smile on her face. 

His parents left almost immediately after I signed the papers, and he and I just sat in silence. He sat next to me on the couch and took out a little black box.

“What’s this?” I question.

“Just open it,” he smiled.

I took off the bow and opened the box, finding his Amex card inside. I looked over with a small smile on my face.

“You know I was kidding, right?” I asked.

“Even if you were, as my soon-to-be-wife, you have no choice,” he smiled.

“So now what?” I question.

“You and Nia move in,” he smiles.

“When you said you had the house, I thought you meant to look at it,” I said, shocked.

How’d he know I’d say yes? What if I told him to go ahead and kill my parents? What would he have said then?

“Nope, paid in full a few weeks ago,” he shrugged.

“Oh my stars,” I say, and he laughs.

“So for this wedding, are we doing a garter or what?” He smirks at me.

“Knowing who you are, I shouldn’t let you anywhere near me,” I laughed as my face turned a bright red.

“You know you’d love it,” his smirk now a wide grin.

I shiver off the thoughts of him. I wink at him and smile, and he laughs as he exits his office. I know I won’t last, but the least he could do is not make it so damn hard.

News Sports

McClatchy Lions vs. Monterey Trail Mustangs

The McClatchy Lions played a fantastic game against the Monterey Trail Mustangs on Friday, April 26th.

The game was played at Monterey Trail High School on a cloudy day with some rain. McClatchy entered the game 7-2, while Monterey Trail entered 2-7, placing 3rd and 5th overall in the Metropolitan Conference.

The first inning went by quickly with no points being scored by either team, with only a handful of players even getting on base. Inning two was where the Mustangs took an early lead after #1 Elias Roche hit a single to get himself on base. He then got to second after the next batter also hit a single, and finally he stole third and ran home with the final batter hit. This put the Mustangs ahead by 1 going into the third.

The next two innings kept it a close game after McClatchy players #8 Jackson Halverson and #11 Xavier Vuittonet both hit singles allowing their team to get them home with the next batter getting walked and yet another hitting a single. This took Jackson home and Xavier to third where he managed to make it home after another at-bat putting McClatchy ahead by 1 in the fourth. 

In the fourth inning, McClatchy scored one point after #9 Jeremiah Rutledge got a single, got to second with another batter’s single, and made it to third and home plate after one bunt and a line drive. Down one going to bat, Monterey Trail shifted into high gear scoring two points and tying up the game going into the fifth.

The fifth put the Mustangs ahead by one after they scored. The final two innings were where McClatchy really cranked up the heat, scoring a whopping six points and locking out the Mustangs. The most notable play of the game happened when, with the bases loaded, McClatchy player #16 Camden Salisbury stepped up to bat and slammed the ball deep into the outfield, and as the Mustangs scrambled for the ball, he rounded three bases, allowing each player on base to score. The next batter #11 Ari Silva scored a single and #16 scored, putting McClatchy ahead by 3.

The Final score was 9-4 with McClatchy taking the win. The McClatchy baseball team is phenomenal this year, and their next game against River City on Tuesday the 30th should be a real home run.